# Start Moving

To move the robot, two prerequisites are required:

  1. A map must be set
  2. An initial pose must be given

# Setting a Map

One can use RobotAdmin website to set a map on which the robot resides.

Or use Map List API,to find and map id. And use POST /chassis/current-map to set the map as current map.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"map_id": 286}' \
  "id": 286,
  "uid": "616cd441e1209813dd4bb25d",
  "map_name": "-1层",
  "create_time": 1647503669,
  "map_version": 6,
  "overlays_version": 8

# Coordinates

On RobotAdmin, two arrows (red for X-axis, blue for Y-axis) cross on the origin of the map. The two axes forms a orthogonal rectangular coordinate system.

The coordinate of a point on map is marked as (x, y), which are the distances in meters from the origin.

A pose is usually expressed as:

  "pos": [0.12, 0.85], // position
  "ori": 1.57 // orientation, in radius. The x-positive direction is 0, counter-clockwise

# Setting Pose

To move the robot, an initial pose must be given.

As a common practice, mapping starts from the charger. So the initial pose of the robot(on charger) becomes origin of the map.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"position": [0, 0, 0], "ori": 1.57}' \
  • position: [0, 0, 0] means x=0, y=0, z=0
  • ori: 1.57 pi/2,means robot's heading is Y-positive.

When map and initial pose are both given, the robot can be seen on RobotAdmin as:

# Start Moving

As for now, use POST /chassis/moves to create a move action.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"type":"standard", "target_x":0.731, "target_y":-1.525, "target_z":0, "creator":"head-unit"}' \
  "id": 4409,
  "creator": "head-unit",
  "state": "moving",
  "type": "standard",
  "target_x": 0.731,
  "target_y": -1.525,
  "target_z": 0.0,
  "target_ori": null,
  "target_accuracy": null,
  "use_target_zone": null,
  "is_charging": null,
  "charge_retry_count": 0,
  "fail_reason": 0,
  "fail_reason_str": "None - None",
  "fail_message": "",
  "create_time": 1647509573,
  "last_modified_time": 1647509573

# Planning State

Use GET /chassis/moves/:id to see the state of a move action.

  "id": 4409,
  "creator": "head-unit",
  "state": "finished",
  "type": "standard",
  "target_x": 0.7310126134385344,
  "target_y": -1.5250144001960249,
  "target_z": 0.0,
  "target_ori": null,
  "target_accuracy": null,
  "use_target_zone": null,
  "is_charging": null,
  "charge_retry_count": 0,
  "fail_reason": 0,
  "fail_reason_str": "None - None",
  "fail_message": "",
  "create_time": 1647509573,
  "last_modified_time": 1647509573

state field show the state of the action.

The current action's state is constantly changing. Though it can be queried with the above API, it very inefficient. So we provides websocket API, to allow the robot to constantly report back its states. This is more efficient than request/response form of REST API.

Last Updated: 10/30/2024, 8:40:52 PM