# System Settings

Supported since 2.9.0

The structure of the system settings is as follow.

  • schema.json(readonly) - It contains the metadata of all settings, including names, types, ranges, descriptions, etc.
  • default.json(readonly) - It contains the defaults value of all settings.
  • user.json - It stores the values modified by the user.
  • effective.json(readonly) - It contains the merged values by overlaying user.json over default.json.

By design, only user.json is modifiable. Whenever it is modified, effective.json will be updated automatically.

schema.json and default.json are constants. They are related to the model of the robot.

# Schema

         "title":"Robot: Footprint",
         "title":"Control: Auto Hold",
         "description":"When idle, the robot shall hold still"
         "title":"Control: Max Forward Velocity",
         "range":"[0, 2.0]"
         "title":"Control: Max Backward Velocity",
         "range":"[-0.3, 0]"
         "title":"Control: Max Forward Acc",
         "range":"[0, 0.8]"
         "title":"Control: Max Forward Decel",
         "range":"[-2.0, 0]"
         "title":"Control: Max Angular Velocity",
         "range":"[0, 1.2]"
         "title":"Control: Acc Smoother: Smooth Level",
         "title":"enable bump-based speed limit",
         "title":"Bump Based Speed Limit: Bump Tolerance",
         "range":"[0, 1.0]"

# Default Settings


# User Settings

Get user settings:


Save user settings:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '...' \

Partial update of user settings:

curl -X PATCH \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '...' \

# Effective Settings


# Setting Options

This section records all available options.

# rack.specs

The physical representation of a rack. And how a robot should carry it.

   "rack.specs": [
         "width": 0.66,
         "depth": 0.7,

         // Some racks have extruded parts(handles, etc) outside 
         // the reams of the wheels.
         "margin": [0, 0, 0, 0], 

         "alignment": "center",  // center/back. 
         "alignment_margin_back": 0.02,

         // Some rack legs have a base plate, which is invisible to laser.
         // When crawling under the rack, the robot will avoid this extra area.
         "extra_leg_offset": 0.02, 

         // Since 2.10  square/round/other
         "leg_shape": "square", 

         // Since 2.10 the side size of a square leg, or the diameter of a round leg.
         "leg_size": 0.03, 

         // Since 2.10 some racks have rotational wheels, 
         // which are invisible to the robot lasers. 
         // Use this parameter to expand the footprint of the robot to avoid collision.
         "foot_radius": 0.05 
Last Updated: 10/30/2024, 8:40:52 PM