# Current Map and Pose API

# Set Current Map

There are two ways to set current map:

  • Set current map with map_id or map_uid.
  • Set current map with data directly. (Since 2.7.0)
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"map_id": 286}' \

Request Params

class SetCurrentMapRequest {
  map_id?: number; // Either 'map_id' or 'map_uid' must be provided.

  // Since 2.5.2. Map can be set with "uid".
  // Before that, only 'map_id' is supported.
  map_uid?: string;

# Set current map with data

Since 2.7.0, we can use the following POST request to set current map. This method is very slow for large map.

class SetCurrentMapWithDataRequest {
  map_name: string;
  occupancy_grid: string; // base64 encoded PNG
  carto_map: string; // binary map data
  grid_resolution: number; // 0.05
  grid_origin_x: number; // the X coordinate of lower left corner of PNG map
  grid_origin_y: number; // the Y coordinate of lower left corner of PNG map
  overlays: string; // See documents about overlays

# Set current map by loading local files

Since 2.11.0, current map can be loaded directly from a local file.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8090/chassis/current-map \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  --data '{"data_url":"file:///home/simba/tmp_map/map_73.pbstream", "map_name": "xxx"}'

3 files are need:


The yaml file should contain:

uid: 62202f9fed0883652d08ad5c
grid_origin_x: -5.900000095367432
grid_origin_y: -9.199999809265137
grid_resolution: 0.05
map_version: 3
overlays_version: 1
overlays: {
  "map_uid": "62202f9fed0883652d08ad5c",
  "features": []

# Get Current Map

  "id": 287,
  "uid": "62202f9fed0883652d08ad5c",
  "map_name": "26层",
  "create_time": 1647862075,
  "map_version": 15,
  "overlays_version": 25

id represents a map of Map List. When current map is set with data directly, id will be -1.

Latched topic /map/info contains the information of currently used map. When current map changes, a new message will be received.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/map/info"}
< {
  "topic": "/map/info",
  "name": "26层",
  "uid": "62202f9fed0883652d08ad5c",
  "map_version": 15,
  "overlays_version": 25,
  "overlays": {...}

# Set Pose

Set the pose (position/orientation) of the robot on current map.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"position": [0, 0, 0], "ori": 1.57}' \

Request Params

class SetPoseRequest {
  position: [number, number, number]; // coordinates x, y, z. z is always 0。
  ori: number; // heading of the robot, in radian, counter-clockwise. 0 means x-positive.

  // [Optional]
  // If True, we will try to correct initial position error within a small area.
  // If False, we will not attempt to do it.
  // If not provided, the behavior is undefined. It may differ
  // with software version, environment and some global settings.
  adjust_position?: boolean;

If adjust_position = true, we will detect and correct initial position error, based on lidar observation. For example, if the heading of the robot is wrongly assigned, we will make best effort to correct it.

Before Correction After Correction


Inevitably, the correction algorithm may be misguided by changed environment. So if you can be sure the initial pose is correct, specially when there are some misguiding patterns, make sure adjust_position=false

# Pose Feedback

Latched topic /tracked_pose contains the latest robot pose.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/tracked_pose"}
< {"topic": "/tracked_pose", "pos": [-3.553, -0.288], "ori": -1.28}
< {"topic": "/tracked_pose", "pos": [-3.55, -0.285], "ori": -1.28}
Last Updated: 11/19/2024, 9:11:03 PM