# Websocket Reference
Topics are used to receive realtime information from the robot. Use the following commands to start/stop listening to some topics.
{"enable_topic": "TOPIC_NAME"}
{"disable_topic": "TOPIC_NAME"}
Since 2.7.0, multiple topic names are supported. Require cap flag supportsEnableTopicList
{"enable_topic": ["/actions", "/alerts", "/tracked_pose"]} // since 2.7.0
{"disable_topic": ["/actions", "/alerts", "/tracked_pose"]} // since 2.7.0
# Map
In pure-location mode, the /map
topic contains the currently used map. Any only update once.
In mapping mode, the map is constantly updated at a small interval.
"topic": "/map",
"resolution": 0.1, // the width/height of a single pixel, in meter
"size": [182, 59], // the size of the image, in pixel
"origin": [-8.1, -4.8], // The world coordinate of the lower left pixel
"data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAALYAAAA7BAAAAA..." // Base64 encoded PNG file
# Obstacle Map
It shows the sensed obstacles around the robot, including data from all sensors and virtual-walls.
It's only for debugging, seeing through the eyes of the robots.
The dark-red pixels are the entity of the obstacles, while the light-red pixels are extruded with the inscribe-radius of the robot. The center of the robot may never enter the red area, or the robot must have collide with something.
Low Res. Costmap | High Res. Costmap |
/maps/5cm/1hz | /maps/1cm/1hz |
Used for path planning | Used for collision detection |
"topic": "/maps/5cm/1hz", // or '/maps/1cm/1hz'
"resolution": 0.05,
"size": [
"origin": [
"data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADICA..." // based64 encoded PNG file
# Wheel State
"topic": "/wheel_state",
"control_mode": "auto", // auto/remote/manual
"emergency_stop_pressed": true, // Whether in emergency stop mode
// optional. Only some specific robot model supports it.
// Some wheels has a release-wheels-wire.
// This flag reflects whether the wire is active.
"wheels_released": true
# Positioning State
"topic": "/slam/state",
// inactive: Idle. Not creating map, no map is set either.
// slam: creating map
// positioning: A map is set, the robot is in localization state.
"state": "positioning",
"reliable": true, // false means the position is lost
// The quality of positioning(Experimental)
// Only valid in positioning state.
// since 2.3.0.
// 0 - unknown
// 1 - lost
// 3 - poor
// 8 - good
// 10 - excellent
"position_quality": 10,
// how much the current lidar points matches with the static map
"lidar_matching_score": 0.545,
// other debugging flags
"lidar_matched": true,
"wheel_slipping": false,
"inter_constraint_count": 27,
"good_constraint_count": 27
# Vision Detected Objects
Experimental Feature
enum VisualObjectLabel {
none = 0,
person = 1, // 人
platformHandTruck = 2, // 手推板车
scaffold = 3, // 脚手架
queueStand = 4, // 排队栏杆
portableGrandstand = 5, // 移动式看台
"topic": "/vision_detected_objects",
"boxes": [
"pose": { "pos": [0.32, 0.97], "ori": 0.0 }, // 物体的位置和朝向
"dimensions": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], // 物体的宽、长、高
"value": 0.8005573153495789,
"label": 1 // VisualObjectLabel
"pose": { "pos": [0.63, 1.08], "ori": 0.0 },
"dimensions": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"value": 0.5348057150840759,
"label": 1
"pose": { "pos": [0.51, 0.74], "ori": 0.0 },
"dimensions": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"value": 0.41888049244880676,
"label": 1
# Battery State
"topic": "/battery_state",
"secs": 1653299708, // 时间戳
"voltage": 26.3, // 电池电压
"current": 3.6, // 电池电流。充电时,一般为负。运行时,一般为正。
"percentage": 0.64, // 电量
"power_supply_status": "discharging" // charging/discharing/full
# Detailed Battery State
Since 2.11.0
"topic": "/detailed_battery_state",
"secs": 1653299708, // 时间戳
"voltage": 26.3, // 电池电压
"current": 3.6, // 电池电流。充电时,一般为负。运行时,一般为正。
"percentage": 0.64, // 电量
"power_supply_status": "discharging", // charging/discharing/full
"cell_voltages": [4.141, 4.138, 4.139, 4.133, 4.136, 4.138, 4.138],
# Current Pose
Current pose in world frame.
"topic": "/tracked_pose",
"pos": [3.7325, -10.8525],
"ori": -1.56 // 朝向。X轴正向为0。Y 轴正向为 pi/2
# Planning State
Return the execution state of the latest move action.
enum ActionType {
along_given_route, // move along a given track
return_to_elevator_waiting_point, // used when failed to enter elevator
pull_over, // (DON'T USE) pull over to make space (for other robots to pass)
align_with_rack, // (DON'T USE)
enum MoveState {
enum StuckState {
"topic": "/planning_state",
"map_uid": "xxxxxx", // the uid of current map
// action
"action_id": 3354,
"action_type": "enter_elevator", // See ActionType, since 2.5.2
"move_state": "moving", // see MoveState
"fail_reason": 0, // valid when move_state == failed
"fail_reason_str": "none", // valid when move_state == failed
"remaining_distance": 2.8750057220458984, // in meters
// target related
"target_poses": [
"pos": [4.08, 2.99],
"ori": 0
// intent related
"move_intent": "", // deprecated by `action_type`
"intent_target_pose": {
// The pose of the current target
"pos": [0, 0],
"ori": 0
// stuck state
"stuck_state": "move_stucked", // See StuckState, since 2.5.2
"in_elevator": true, // optional, since 2.5.2
"viewport_blocked": true, // optional, since 2.5.2
// optional, since 2.9.0.
// Destination is occupied by another robot. So it's waiting on road side.
"is_waiting_for_dest": true,
"docking_with_conveyer": true, // optional, since 2.9.0
// optional, since 2.11.0. Default to 0.
// Only valid when moving along a given route.
// It gives the number of points which are already passed.
"given_route_passed_point_count": 3
# Lidar Point Cloud
The point cloud in world frame.
"topic": "/scan_matched_points2",
"stamp": 1653302201889,
"points": [
[7.83, 3.84, 0.04],
[7.8, 3.88, 0.04],
[7.79, 4.14, 0.04]
# Global Path
Current global path.
"topic": "/path",
"stamp": 1653301966860,
"positions": [
[0.94, 0.27],
[0.94, 0.25],
[0.96, 0.25]
# Trajectory
The trail of the robot.
- In mapping mode, the trajectory is the full trajectory of the whole mapping process.
- In pure location mode, the trajectory is trimmed once a while.
For 2.5.0 or below, this enable message is wrongly named as /trajectory_node_list
To play safe, enable both /trajectory
and /trajectory_node_list
"topic": "/trajectory",
"points": [
[2.0, 3.0],
[2.1, 3.1],
[2.4, 3.0],
[2.7, 2.9],
[3.0, 2.8],
[3.6, 2.6],
[3.7, 2.5],
[3.9, 2.3],
[4.1, 2.1],
[3.9, -1.1],
[3.8, -2.2]
# Alerts
This topic contains currently active alerts.
The application should monitor alerts and take according actions, like:
- Go back to charger when battery is low(8501). Turn off the robot when battery is extremely low(8003).
- Warn users about docking errors(10001, 10002, 10003).
- Warn users about possible robot falls over. (4008).
- Warn users about IMU calibration error(4501, 4502) before creating new map.
- Notify us about application crashes. (1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 2001, 3001, 4001, 11001, etc)
- Notify us about sensor errors. (4009, 5001, etc)
A full list of alerts is on https://rb-admin.autoxing.com/api/v1/static/error_code_map_full.json.
"topic": "/alerts",
"alerts": [
"code": 6004,
"level": "error",
"msg": "Kernel temperature is higher than 80!"
# Traveled Distance
Experimental Feature
"topic": "/platform_monitor/travelled_distance",
"start_time": 1653303520, // 本次 move 起始时间
"duration": 60, // 本次 move 执行时间
"distance": 27.89, // 本次 move 移动距离
"accumulated_distance": 5230.0 // 系统启动后运行总距离
# RGB Video Stream
h264 encoded data stream.
"topic": "/rgb_cameras/front/video",
"stamp": 1653303702.821,
"data": "AAAAAWHCYADAAb5Bv4yqqseHIsjRwL5E4C4uX/CmRcXVaxddV3zf5uZO..."
For browser or NodeJS, the stream can be decoded with jmuxer (opens new window).
Use flusingTime: 0
to avoid delay.
this.jmuxer = new JMuxer({
node: myNativeElement,
mode: 'video',
flushingTime: 0,
Currently topics: (Different devices may differ)
Augmented video stream for debugging vision based object detection.
# RGB Image Stream
jpeg encoded image stream.
Image stream is considerably larger than H264 video stream. For internet, please use video stream.
"topic": "/rgb_cameras/front/compressed",
"stamp": 1653303702.821,
"format": "jpeg",
"data": "YXNkZmFzZndlcndldHNhZGZhc2Rmd2V0cjJ5NDVqdHltNDU2..."
Currently topics: (Different devices may differ)
# Sensor Manager State
type PowerState =
| 'awake' // operational
| 'awakening' // Recovering from sleeping to awake. Usually lasts 2-3 seconds.
| 'sleeping'; // when sleeping, some sensors are turned off.
"topic": "/sensor_manager_state",
"power_state": "awake" // see PowerState
# Robot Model
The footprint of a robot may change dynamically. For example, it will become larger when it loads a rack. This topic is used to know the dynamic footprint of the robot.
"topic": "/robot_model",
"footprint": [
[0.13, -0.25],
[0.203, -0.228],
[0.235, -0.178],
[0.245, -0.077],
[0.248, 0.029],
[0.243, 0.163],
[0.235, 0.217],
[0.207, 0.26],
[0.17, 0.291],
[0.122, 0.324],
[-0.122, 0.324],
[-0.17, 0.291],
[-0.207, 0.26],
[-0.235, 0.217],
[-0.243, 0.163],
[-0.248, 0.029],
[-0.245, -0.077],
[-0.235, -0.178],
[-0.203, -0.228],
[-0.13, -0.25]
"width": 0.496
# Nearby Robots
With a dedicated hardware (optional installation), the robot can sense the whereabouts and the path of other robots.
This information can be used to avoid collision between robots or move in formation.
"topic": "/nearby_robots",
"robots": [
"uid": "21922076002353N",
"pose": { "pos": [1.05, 0.08], "ori": 1.69 },
"trend": [],
"footprint_digest": "0150acd9" // since 2.7.0, See /nearby_robot_footprints
"uid": "21922076002413T",
"pose": { "pos": [0.19, 0.01], "ori": 1.6 },
"trend": [
[0.19, 0.01],
[0.12, -0.02]
"footprint_digest": "7cb254d5"
# Nearby Robot Footprints
This topic contains detailed footprints of nearby robots.
In 2.7.0, the topic /nearby_robots
adds a property footprint_digest
It can be used with /nearby_robot_footprints
to determine the footprint of nearby robots.
"topic": "/nearby_robot_footprints",
"footprints": [
"digest": "0150acd9",
"coordinates": [
[0.0, -0.273],
[0.14, -0.27],
[0.2, -0.25],
[0.24, -0.2],
[0.25, -0.1],
[0.25, 0.13],
[0.24, 0.2],
[0.18, 0.26],
[0.15, 0.265],
[0.14, 0.283],
[-0.14, 0.283],
[-0.15, 0.265],
[-0.18, 0.26],
[-0.24, 0.2],
[-0.25, 0.13],
[-0.25, -0.1],
[-0.24, -0.2],
[-0.2, -0.25],
[-0.14, -0.27]
# Odom State
A debug topic, to visualize covariance of lidar odom。
"topic": "/odom_state",
"lidar_odom_reliable": true,
"lidar_odom_cov": [
# External RGB Camera Data
If the robot isn't shipped with RGB cameras. One can install external cameras and feed the data back to the robot. So monitoring and vision based functions can still work.
Control Channel
When receiving this topic, the peripheral device should:
- Open the corresponding cameras
- Set required resolution, fps
- Send data back through the data channel
"topic": "/external_rgb_camera_control",
"enabled_devices": [
"name": "Front Camera",
"width": 320,
"height": 240,
"fps": 5,
"external_data_topic": "/external_rgb_data/front"
Data Channel
Use this channel to send RGB data to the robot.
"topic": "/external_rgb_data/front", // The topic, specified in the control channel's `external_data_topic`
"format": "jpeg", // must be jpeg
"stamp": 1655896161.012, // The timestamp of the image
"data": "Aasdfwe3424..." // base64 encoded JPEG data
# Global Positioning State
The feedback of service POST /services/start_global_positioning
"topic": "/global_positioning_state",
"state": "succeeded",
"score": "82.1",
// If false, the pose is globally unique and can be trusted.
// If true, the environment is not a good match
// or pose is not globally unique thus should be verified by an human operator.
// If the result is from a successful match of barcode,
// `needs_confirmation` is always true.
"needs_confirmation": false,
"pose": { "pos": [0.32, 0.97], "ori": 0.0 }, // 物体的位置和朝向
"message": "Succeeded with barcode R25B13_7"
# Device Info
Only for those clients which already established a websocket connection but don't want to make REST API requests.
{ "topic": "/get_device_info_brief" }
"topic": "/device_info_brief",
"rosversion": "1.15.11",
"rosdistro": "noetic",
"axbot_version": "master-pi64",
"device": {
"model": "waiter"
"baseboard": {
"firmware_version": "22032218"
"wheel_control": {
"device_type": "amps",
"firmware_version": "amps_20211103"
"lidar": {
"model": "ld06"
"bottom_sensor_pack": {
"firmware_version": ""
"depth_camera": {
"firmware_version": ""
"remote_params": {
"tags": [
# Environment Match Map
This map reflects how the point clouds matches the existing map.
Red indicates the environment has changed. If there is too much red, the map should be rebuilt.
{ "enable_topic": "/env_match_map" }
"topic": "/env_match_map",
"stamp": 1675326661.915,
"resolution": 0.10000000149011612,
"size": [579, 614],
"origin": [-9.35, -34.75],
"data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAkMAA..."
# Environment Symmetry Map
This map reflects the degree of symmetry of point cloud against current environment.
Red indicates a featureless environment, like tunnel or spacious lobby.
{ "enable_topic": "/env_symmetry_map" }
"topic": "/env_symmetry_map",
"stamp": 1674993781.916,
"resolution": 0.10000000149011612,
"size": [579, 614],
"origin": [-9.35, -34.75],
# Local Path
This topic is used for debugging.
"topic": "/local_path",
"width": 1.1,
"color": "##FFEACD50", // RRGGBBAA
"poses": [
[1, 2, 3], // x, y, ori
[3, 4, 3] // x, y, ori
# Jack State
The state of the jacking device.
"topic": "/jack_state",
"state": "hold", // unknown, hold, jacking_up, jacking_down
"progress": 0.35, // position of the jacking device, in percentage
"self_checking": false,
"self_check_state": "no_error" // no_error, up, down, error, unknown
# Incremental Map
Incremental mapping is used to enhance positioning in an ever-changing environment.
This topic shows the freshly incremented map. It can be turn on in RobotAdmin
's display panel.
The image in the topic is grey-scale. But in RobotAdmin
, the colors are transformed,
with red pixels represent new obstacles and light-blue represent new clear space.
"topic": "/incremental_map",
"stamp": 1693570082.777,
"resolution": 0.05000000074505806,
"size": [638, 881],
"origin": [-21.95, -1.25],
# Cached Topics
To handle very large map, /map_v2
, /map/costmap_v2
, /incremental_map_v2
uses data_url
instead of data
In this way, the data of websocket is greatly reduced. And the image has Cache-Control: public, max-age=
and Etag: xxx
headers, so the browsers and servers can cache the images.
"topic": "/map_v2",
"stamp": 1693570028.939,
"resolution": 0.05000000074505806,
"size": [661, 1256],
"origin": [-8.25, -36.05],
"data_url": "static-files/map-d69c26ec2bdff8dad76fe6e8d3fa65d9b3041fc669ee3c0a96f7b544473fcec0.png"
Use http:://
to access the image later.
$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:20:04 GMT
server: uvicorn
Content-Type: image/png
ETag: d69c26ec2bdff8dad76fe6e8d3fa65d9b3041fc669ee3c0a96f7b544473fcec0
Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
Vary: Accept, Cookie
X-Page-Generation-Duration-ms: 18
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Length: 141733
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Referrer-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
# Collected Barcode
This topic is used to collect barcodes.
"topic": "/collected_barcode",
"state": "unknown|ok|no_result|not_unique|too_far|unaligned_with_robot",
"id": "D2_125",
"pose": {"pos": [-14.842, 17.595], "ori": -1.457},
// Since 2.9.1
// It's only accurate when the robot is not moving
"relative_pose": {"pos": [-1.992, -0.092], "ori": -0.312}
The collected barcodes should be added into overlays
of the map. See overlays
The barcodes in overlays
can be used in global positioning.
# Detected Rack
"topic": "/detected_rack",
"rack_detected": true,
"frame": "map", // optional, valid when `rack_detected` is true
// optional, valid when `rack_detected` is true
"rack_box": {
"pose": {
"pos": [0.0, 0.0],
"ori": 0.0
"width": 0.64324,
"height": 0.69234
// optional, valid when `rack_detected` is true
"rack_box_aligned": {
"pose": {
"pos": [0.0, 0.0],
"ori": 0.0
"width": 0.66,
"height": 0.70
# Follow Target State
This topic is used for following a moving target
The user should send this message to the robot at a reasonable rate(around 2-4hz).
"topic": "/follow_target_state",
"follow_state": "follow_pose|pause|fail",
"target_pose": {
// valid when follow_state == follow_pose
"pos": [1.1, 2.2], // optional. The pose can have only pos or ori
"ori": 1.2 // optional. The pose can have only pos or ori
has the following values:
: Move to the giventarget_pose
: Hold the robot stillfail
: Mark the current action as failed. To start following again, start another action.
# Robot Signal
Since 2.8.0, requires caps.supportsRobotSignal
Some indicators to tell whether the robot is turning left/right, or braking.
"topic": "/robot_signal",
"turn_left": true, // turning left
"turn_right": false, // turning right
"brake": false, // braking
"reverse": false, // backing up
# Nearby Auto Doors
This topic is used to visualize the state of auto-doors.
"topic": "/nearby_auto_doors",
"doors": [
"name": "Abc",
"mac": "123",
"state": "closed",
"polygon": [
# Bumper State
Since 2.9.0
The state of the bump sensor around the robot.
"topic": "/bumper_state",
"front_bumper_pressed": false,
"rear_bumper_pressed": false
# Roller State
Since 2.9.0
The state of the roller.
"topic": "/roller_state",
"state": "hold", // unknown, hold, loading, unloading
# Detected Pallets
Since 2.10.0
The detected pallets.
"topic": "/detected_pallets",
"pallets": [
"frame": "map",
"pallet_id": "SOME_PALLET_ID",
"pose": {
"pos": [120.0, 50.0],
"ori": 1.618,
"size": {
"width": 1.0,
"depth": 1.3,
"height": 0.3,
"pocket_width": 0.3,
"pocket_height": 0.2,
"pocket_spacing": 0.2,
# Landmarks
Since 2.11.0
This topic is used to visualize landmarks collected during the mapping process.
"topic": "/landmarks",
"landmarks": [
"id": "landmark_1",
"pos": [0.32, 0.97],
"in_use": true
# Digital Input/Output
(Under discussion)
The IO board is a dedicated hardware. It connects to the robot with the USB port. It supports 16 or more IO pins. The IO pins work at 12V/24V. Some IO pins are predefined as braking light, turning light etc. And some can be controlled by the user.
The state of the IO pins:
"topic": "/io_pins_state",
"inputs": [
[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
"outputs": [
[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Full update of output pins:
"topic": "/set_output_pins",
"outputs": [
[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Selected update of output pins:
"topic": "/modify_output_pins",
"enable": [0, 9, 13],
"disable": [2, 4, 6],