# Deprecations

In order to keep improving, APIs will evolve. Sometimes, new APIs are added to replace the old ones. But we will keep a central promise:

Old APIs will be kept and coexist with new ones for at least 1 major version.

In this period, old APIs are considered deprecated. And we hope our users can evolve with us and use the new APIs.

This document lists deprecated APIs and how to migrate to new ones.

# 1.8.8

# Deprecate websocket /chassis/pose, /chassis/path, /chassis/occupancy_grid

Previously when using {"enable_topic": "/tracked_pose"}, {"enable_topic": "/path"}, {"enable_topic": "/map"}, but the returned messages are /chassis/pose, /chassis/path, /chassis/occupancy_grid. The names are not consistent.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/tracked_pose"}
< {"topic": "/chassis/pose", "pos": [-3.548, -0.288], "ori": -1.28}

To solve the mess, please update websocket path from /ws/topics to /ws/v2/topics.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/tracked_pose"}
< {"topic": "/tracked_pose", "pos": [-3.548, -0.288], "ori": -1.28}

# Deprecate PATCH /chassis/status

This API was used to change control mode, set emergency stop, clear wheel errors.

Deprecated by:

# Deprecate websocket /chassis_state

This topic was used to monitor control mode and emergency stop mode. There is a weird parts field in it.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/chassis_state" }
< {
    "topic": "/chassis_state",
    "control_mode": "auto",
    "emergency_stop_pressed": false,
    "parts": {
      "control_mode": "auto",
      "emergency_stop_pressed": false

Deprecated by:

# 1.8.0

# Deprecate POST /device

This API was used to calibrate IMU, reboot service or device.

Deprecated by:

Last Updated: 10/30/2024, 8:40:52 PM