# Service API

# Recalibrate IMU

Calibrate IMU. The robot must be set still on hard and flat surface.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This service call only initiates the calibration. The actual process usually takes 10-20 seconds.

When calibration finished. An action will be received in websocket:

Sample success output:

  "topic": "/action",
  "timestamp": 1681733608.653,
  "email": "",
  "username": "",
  "deviceName": "718220110000909",
  "action": "recalibrate_imu",
  "message": "IMU calibration succeeded"

Sample failure output:

  "topic": "/action",
  "timestamp": 1681733580.702,
  "email": "",
  "username": "",
  "deviceName": "718220110000909",
  "action": "recalibrate_imu",
  "message": "error: IMU calibration failed. Failed to rotate to right"

# Set Control Mode

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"control_mode": "auto"}' \


class SetControlModeRequest {
  control_mode: 'auto' | 'manual' | 'remote';

Use /wheel_state websocket topic,to monitor wheel state.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/wheel_state"}
< {"topic": "/wheel_state", "control_mode": "auto", "emergency_stop_pressed": true }

# Set/Clear Emergency Stop

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"enable": true}' \


class SetEmergencyStopRequest {
  enable: boolean;

Use /wheel_state topic, to monitor emergency stop state.

$ wscat -c ws://
> {"enable_topic": "/wheel_state"}
< {"topic": "/wheel_state", "control_mode": "auto", "emergency_stop_pressed": true }

# Restart Service

Restart all services.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# Shutdown/Reboot Device

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"target": "main_power_supply", reboot: false}' \


class ShutdownRequest {
    | 'main_computing_unit' // only reboot/shutdown the main computing board
    | 'main_power_supply'; // reboot/shutdown the whole device
  reboot: boolean; // true = reboot, false = shutdown

# Clear Wheel Errors

curl -X POST

# Clear Flip Error

Error 8004(flip error) usually means serious trouble - the robot might have fallen over. It requires human checking. If the problem is solved, use this service to clear the error to make the robot operational again.

curl -X POST

# Clear Slide Error


Experimental Feature

Error 2008(slide error) means the the robot may have serious impact with some invisible obstacle. It demands human checking before clearing the error.

curl -X POST

# Power On/Off Lidar

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"action": "power_on"}' \


class PowerOnRequest {
  action: 'power_on' | 'power_off';

# Power On/Off Depth Camera

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"enable": true}' \


class EnableDepthCameraRequest {
  enable: boolean;

# Setup Wifi

Switch WIFI to Access-Point or Station mode.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"mode": "station", "ssid":"xxxxxxxxx", "psk": "xxxxx"}' \


interface SetupWifiRequest {
  mode: 'ap' | 'station';
  ssid?: string; // SSID, required for station mode
  psk?: string; // Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key, required for station mode

    | 'eth0_first'
    | 'wlan0_first'
    | 'usb0_first'
    | 'wlan0_usb0_auto_first';

# Set Route Mode

Set the route table rules of the chassis.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"mode": "xxx"}' \


interface RouteModeRequest {
  mode: 'eth0_first' | 'wlan0_first' | 'usb0_first' | 'wlan0_usb0_auto_first';

route_mode: Set the priority of the route table

  • eth0_first: Put eth0 as the default route, if available
  • wlan0_first: Put wlan0 as the default route, if available
  • usb0_first: Put usb0 as the default route, if available. Based on ping result. If wlan0 connects to Internet, use it as the default route. Or else, use wlan0.

A static HTML page is also provided and can be accessed from local network.

# Wake Up Device

Awake the robot from sleeping state. If robot is already in awake state, it does nothing.

curl -X POST

Monitor websocket Sensor Manager State for sleep/awake/awakening state.

# Start Global Positioning

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


interface StartGlobalPositioningRequest {
  use_barcode?: boolean; // default to true.
  use_base_map_match?: boolean; // default to true.

The feedback can be received from Global Positioning State.

# Barcode

Barcode is a marker which is made of interleaved reflective surface and ordinary surface. In a given site, each barcode contains a unique ID. So, when a barcode is found, the robot will know its whereabouts unambiguously.

When use_barcode is true, it has higher priority over point-cloud-based matching. And when a match is found, it will always be trusted. To use it, barcodes and theirs poses should be collected into overlays of the map.

# Auto-Mapping


Experimental Feature

When "auto-mapping" is enabled, the robot will explore the environment automatically. It's only available in mapping mode.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"enable": true}' \


interface EnableAutoMappingRequest {
  enable: boolean;

# Recheck Error

POST /services/monitor_recheck_errors

# Calibrate Depth Cameras

This service aligns the point clouds of depth cameras with the point cloud of horizontal lidar.

Before calling this service, make sure:

  • The robot is on flat ground.
  • The robot is facing a corner of wall or big box.

POST /services/calibrate_depth_cameras

# Calibrate Gyroscope Scale

Calibrate IMU. The robot must be set still on hard and flat surface.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This service call only initiates the calibration. The actual process usually takes 20 seconds.

When calibration finished. An action will be received in websocket:

Sample success output:

  "topic": "/action",
  "timestamp": 1681733608.653,
  "email": "",
  "username": "",
  "deviceName": "718220110000909",
  "action": "calibrate_gyro_scale",
  "message": "Gyroscope scale calibration succeeded"

Sample failure output:

  "topic": "/action",
  "timestamp": 1681733580.702,
  "email": "",
  "username": "",
  "deviceName": "718220110000909",
  "action": "calibrate_gyro_scale",
  "message": "error: Gyroscope scale calibration failed. Please remove nearby obstacles."

# Reset Usb Devices

Resetting USB hub may help recover malfunctioned hardwares.

"1/3" means the bus_id/dev_id in a device tree. See List Usb Devices

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"devices_to_reset": ["1/3", "8/1"]}' \

# Clear Alert System-Down-Unexpectedly

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# Clear Range Data All Zero Error

When all Lidar points have 0 values, it indicates the Lidar device is already broken(or will broke).

This service temporarily clear this error message.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# Jack Device Up/Down

Raise up or lower down the jack device. The state of the jack device is in Websocket Jack State.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# Step Time

When time is wrong, use this service to correct it.


GET is used to detect time error. But don't call it frequently. Please use websocket /alerts instead to detect time error.

  "should_step": false, // there is no need to correct time
  "message": "there is no need to make step: system time is 0.000253560 seconds fast of NTP time"

POST is used to correct time.

curl -X POST
  "message": "Step time successfully"

# Get Nav. Thumbnail

Since 2.8.0, requires caps.supportsGetNavThumbnail

Get an image snapshot of the robot and its surroundings, including map, costmap, point cloud, virtual walls, etc.

The image is 200x200 pixels, can be used for error reporting.

  "stamp": 1707211001,
  "map_name": "Ground Floor",
  "map_uid": "xxxxx",
  "map_version": 3,
  "overlays_version": 8,
  "map": {
    "resolution": 0.05,
    "size": [200, 200],
    "origin": [12.12345, -3.12345],
    "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANS..." // base64 encoded PNG

# Get RGB Image

Since 2.8.0, requires caps.supportsGetRgbImage

Get the latest image of a RGB camera. It's similar with Websocket RGB Image Stream. For some use cases which only require the image on rare occasions, this service is more efficient.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"topic": "/rgb_cameras/front/compressed"}' \

The response is the same as the websocket topic.

# Load/Unload Cargo with Roller

Since 2.9.0

The state of the roller is in Websocket Roller State.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# Start Rack Size Detection

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Detect the width/depth of a rack with laser of the robot.


Rather than using this service, it is more accurate to refer to the production manual (specification) of the rack or to simply measure it with a ruler.

Only when you don't have either of them, use this service as a last resort.

Steps to use:

  1. Push the robot in front of the rack.
  2. Call /start_rack_size_detection.
  3. Subscribe to /detected_rack websocket topic.
  4. Push the robot slowly, under the rack.
  5. If successfully detected, stop pushing and record the size of the rack.
  6. Set the width/depth into system settings.

# Clear Jack Errors

Jack device will report an error when overloads.

When it happens, most jack models can still accept new commands. But some rare models will require manual clearing of errors before accepting new commands.

curl -X POST

# Confirm Emergency Stop

When on slope or in slope area (specified in overlays), even emergency stop is pressed, wheels will not be released. And there will be a warning message in /alerts websocket topic:

If you want to push the robots around, use the following command to confirm releasing the wheels.

curl -X POST

# Calibrate Depth Camera Masks

Some depth cameras can see parts of the robot itself. This service is used to determine which pixels in the depth camera should be treated as the body of itself and not be mistaken as obstacles.

Before calibrating, the robot should be placed in an empty space. No obstacles should be in the view of all depth cameras.

curl -X POST

# Collect Landmarks

This service is used to collect landmarks for an existing map.

curl -X POST
curl -X POST

The result is stored in:


The collected data serves as raw materials. The developer must insert landmarks into overlays for them to work.

Last Updated: 12/26/2024, 5:43:40 PM